Tuesday, July 31, 2012

HEMP HEARTS lead the way

7.31.12 =LIL bro's bday!

Today is day 9....everything smells so good....ohmy.  Today I researched a ton about hemp and making hemp milk and chocolate hemp(rawfoodworld.com) which led me to learn about cardamom(http://www.gayot.com/lifestyle/health/features/cardamom-health-benefits.html) an Indian spice also used to make curry or chai it aids digestion and metabolism....Things continue to get clearer...here goes:

First greens de Northgate Market: Spinach, Parsley, Pinapple, Orange, Celery

mydadiscoolerthanyourdad . com yesssss quoting Tommy Boy with the Poppers...I love him

Getting Down

Yesssss smoothies the same color as my dress...gotta have fun with it: 2 cups of grapes, raspberries, blueberries, hempsseeds(more protein than any meat or eggs), coconut oil

field trip to the back yard Slink is Stoked

Yes I love herrrrr. Solar Power....even if I only have an hour or two midday break I gotta get in the sun to revive.


Brightest Son under the Moonnnn SafetyChief.

Good evening Yerba Mate and Good Night
Must work with your favorite number.  Mine is 14, 1+4=5, "A life changing thought or event has just occured"

Love4all. See you Manana!

Monday, July 30, 2012

-11lbs in 7days....greens, farmers market & HEMP

It's been 7 full days, so today is day 8 as a "liquadarian", as my friend calls me, or as I tell people, "no thank you I'm not really into chewing today.  It's funny when you go a week without having to chew anything, there was a chunk of celery in one of my juices and I chewed it and it was a whole new revelation for me, that my whole life I've gotten used to chewing, yet in one week, I didn't have to chew at all.  We really can retrain ourselves however we need to in order to achieve what we desire.  I've lost 11lbs so far, which as I've said I go up and down pretty easily, so now it's putting in the work to have it come off in a manner that I won't ever need to turn to it again.

This was my Saturday:

my baby bro just painted an old shirt I was going to get rid of into my new favorite shirt.

Jaimy & Victor's studio: IB Yoga is on the map...all you gotta do is type that in to google and it'll direct you there.  I stopped by the grand-opening they had this Saturday.

Mike's stealth mode look...Yerba Mate sparkling tea from IB yoga.  I brought these over to my lil bro's bday party , they're pretty delicious!

The Mijo's Birthday Party! My lil bro one of the smartest guys I know...love you dude!

There was a ton of food at the party...and sometimes it's hard not to eat everything I want...and then I remember what my teacher Mark taught me...nothing is hard unless we make it hard.  I enjoyed homemade Jamaica during the party that our grandmother, Chatita, made!  I added lemon, cayenne and MSM to it:)

finally got me own lil superheroine wetsuittttt yeaaaa!


Goodmorning Sunshines

Phytoplankton breakfast with Jesus today

Coconut water...and in the other is the tea that it says it is plus MSM....the  tea is actually pretty good with the MSM, it cuts some of the bitterness nicely

walking to le farmer's market!  The Sunday Hillcrest Farmer's Market is my favorite!  

ran into a few friends at the market.  I wanted to get some more MSM morning mix & peace pies for my dad, and then some veggies and also some of the green smoothie fix so I didn't have to make my own greens today:)

JAHHHH!  Butter lettuce, grapes and cucumbers to add to the green juiceeeee

so, sometimes I don't make enough time to juice and clean, so I started blending the oranges every once in awhile, and today I used the green smoothie fix(1 gallon is $25 it has Kale, Chard, Collard Greens, Romaine Lettuce, Dandelion Greens, Parsley, Pure Water, Apple, Banana, and Flax seed) so 2 cups of that or another type of juice you're using, then 2 oranges(peeled), 7 strawberries, cayenne and Hemp HEARTS!

y today:

I got to do a private yoga session with an 81 year old angel this morning.  It was incredible to be at this woman's feet and  see her smile brighten within an hour of breathing with God.  Helping her remember everything she loved and what she has to wake up for & how to keep her thought flow positive was healing for both of us.  I asked what her favorite number was, she didn't have one, so I asked when her birthday was, and with the biggest smile in all the land she told me.  Since her birthday is in June we did sets of 6 so she would remember when I'm not there cause it's a special number to her.  It's a good little trick if you work out on your own or even meditate or just sit, to use a number special to you...we've talked about this before...but everyone need reminders. OH and I got tipped for the private session in two gorgeous Spaghetti squash and some "lemon cucumbers" I'm super stoked on the lemon cucumbers because I didn't even know they existed! so those will be juiced tomorrow for sure!!!

we cat napped outside and inside...I really don't know what I would do without my cat.  I have been talking to one of my friends about breaking up with my pillow and mattress...in order to get grounded and sleep in the position our bodies were designed to sleep in...still haven't gone full in on that one yet...but it's coming:)

AHHH yes this is what I wanted to leave you with....the heart of HEMP.  this bag is actually bought from costco. They have them at wholefoods and I believe sprouts...they are huge online even on amazon.  You can eat them like granola, sprinkle them on yogurt or with your cereal if you're into that...you can make hemp milk...I love putting them in salads.  Right now as I said, I am blending them into my green drink I just started doing that on Saturday because I was feeling I needed a little more.. some of the basic benefits:  "Hemp Hearts are Nature's Power Food. These are seeds with the husks removed. Two ounces of hemp seed without the shell contain 314 calories of energy from 20 grams of protein, 23 grams of unsaturated fats consisting of Omegas 3, 6 & 9, 3 grams saturated fat, 6 grams carbohydrate and 3.3 grams of fiber. There is also 2.6 mg iron, 40 mg calcium, 5 mg sodium, 5 mg vitamin E, .5 mg vitamin C and 1200 I.U. vitamin D as well as B2, B6, B1, vitamin A, potassium and phosphorous. This is a vegan source of omegas with more protein than meat or eggs. Hemp Hearts are eaten like granola and are great for a power boost or losing weight."-www.amazon.com

Enjoy!  If you come up with a recipe using hemp hearts or anything else we've talked about on here please email it to me so I can include it in my next posting!  LOVE4ALL see you manana!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Superpowered Coco+Strawberry OJ=Day 5

I really allow myself to enjoy mornings off especially while fasting and today was an amazing start to an even more incredible day.  I rested watched a movie.  I made juice with babybro. He painted.  I wrote enjoyed sun.  Got to teach at yoga tropics in Encinitas (I'll be there every Friday at 430 if you're in the neighborhood) and then at CVYC.  We do a candlelit class on Fridays at 7pm, it's pretty special and we were treated with three sound bowls this evening, the root, the throat and the third eye!  7pm Fridays at Chula is one of my most favorite!  Then went on a roadtrip with one of my best friends to visit a couple other friends in Little Italy.  All the while drinking coconut water and spicy lemonade.  Today is the first day I haven't had a green juice...will really enjoy it manana.  Here's a couple pics:

Brightened up the OJ with strawberries and coconut water yes homemade (I did not make the coco water tho:) then supercharged it with: MSM morning mix(www,rrsuperfoods.com), Spirulina (this one's from Whole Foods),  and Phytoplankton (ascewndedhealth.com), mine with cayenne ofcoures:)

Superpowercharged forsure

I don't think you know how epic my baby bro is.  I love my family

Babybro charging

DAYYYYYYYY  OOOOO, Me just wanna go home= Pandora gods blessing my trip from Enci to Chula (www.yogatropics.com was a super fun friday afternoon vibe) 

Almost there...www.yogacenterchulavista.com...Yessss put the lime in the coconut.  Will never forget ride to the art show with full beam team and this song coming on In Bobbi.  Music has such great memory linkage, and just made this yesterday of course.  If you haven't put a lime n a coconut do it tomorrow!

Ok we're done.  Happy Friday.

Love4all.  See you manana!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Put the Lime in the Coconut...recipes

This evening, after class beamteam meeting

yesyesye the answer is always yes.

Today has been epic its day four woke up early did my thing... feeling good remembering more and more, ready to go to sleep:).....funnest part of my day is when I put my bikini top on and my cat tries grabbing the strings over and over ha I love her:

We put the lime in the coconut...I totally understand now! IT was soooo delicious! Unbelievable. And sitting outside getting solar power

Made the boys a cheezy sphagetti squash bowl with fresh guacamole and hemp seeds on top.  So  the spaghetti squash was cooked in the oven and scooped out put olive oil and garlic on was refridgerated, added carrots(thats all the boys wanted).  Made a raw cheese with cashews(2 cups soaked), tomatoes(1andhalf) to your flavor: tamari, garlic olive oil, lemon, sea salt, pink peppercorns, italian  herbs, cumin, chili pepper, would add cilantro if I had it for sure.  On top of that I made a guacamole with what my little bro had made so it was avocados, tomato, lemon, sea salt, and then hemp seeds on top of that...would be nice with some bellpepps and cilantro on top, they said it would be good in a lettuce wrap or dipping chips or in corn tortilla as well.

taste testers...I can cook but I can't taste...it gets interesting especially since I rarely measure.

Mijito! The baby bro! Stoked to eat a meal.

Juice and shot feast....Juice had beets, celery, carrots and orange.  The shot was pure oranggge greatness

dropped in the burdock tincture

I added cayenne to mine:)

and stirred in phytoplanktonsssss

Happy Thursdayyyyyy

I'm off to dream land, that is something to share while fasting my dreams are much more intense and way more fun.  It reminds me of sober dreams when I first quit using its great to get my dreams back. Love4all. See ya manana!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Senna tea and more of theroughest day=3

I don't have much to say today as I spent most of the day resting and meditating.  Day 3 is always usually the roughest.  It wasn't as bad as I remembered though(it usually never is right?).  As I detox I become more sensitive to everything from my actual senses to the emotions of others.  I start to smell everything, I feel cold a lot when I am normally very extra warm:)  I was at a point before I started this where my diet was pretty good, but as I said I slipped at times.  I was having dairy at times and even ate fish twice which my stomach and heart don't agree with so it was making me sick and also added on several layers I thought I had cleared.  It's fun and scary to dive into the deepest parts of myself and really look at the reason behind whatever action I choose.  Through this cleanse, I start to realize more and more the vibration that I send out and how we are all connected through this magnificent energy and the rate at which we can align ourselves with God to receive whatever we want.  With all of that heightening I have been setting goals and small accomplishments for myself and my surroundings(relationship-wise and environmentally).  When I went to my group therapy session yesterday(outpatient program for the DUI) the topic of course 'happened to be' goal-setting.  I told the group that when I was in this program for my first dui we did this exercise and I wrote that I wanted to be a yoga instructor and teaching at CVYC by the next year...it worked(well the dui program didn't but the setting goals did:).  So, I have found it necessary to become more specific with goals and affirmations in order to really ask the universe for what I want.  I can tell you that again...this works, it's not coincidence nor luck nor any other word similar to those two it's pure love and blessings for treating your highest self how you deserve to be treated.  It's making choices for yourself that you would choose for the person outside of yourself that you think you love more than you.  It's making time to heal and then thrive in whatever it truly is that you want.  It all starts through small changes, if food is an issue for you as it was me, it's ok to start slow.  Maybe add a salad before your meal, maybe cut sugar out for one day, maybe exchange a process snack for a whole food snack.  My dad today told me when he was cooking for everybody he got out the organic stuff because he was hoping I was going to come over, when he opened the fridge he thought never would he have been into those ingredients before.  My mom still goes grocery shopping and buys stuff for me and my brothers all the time, I came home tonight and there was avocados, hemp seeds and a box of coconut waters.  My papa(I am blessed with two dads this life, my little brothers' dad we call Papa) who has had a huge transformation as well now sends me lifestyle healthtips emails every week and took his first shot of wheatgrass yesterday!  If you ask and demand for the best, those around you will start to feel the postive vibration and the space of genuine love it is coming from and they will start to change with you.  As my Guru once told me, "I'm here to help peoples dreams come true".  Find out what's stopping you from getting your dreams and CHOOSE differently.

family tree. my big bro took his fave crazy eye pictures of us and my baby bro went offfffffff painting and creating this beauty!

Weekly Luncheon with the fajer. HIm and the raw honey from my friend's aunts beeeeeeees!  If you need or want honey it's the best let me know, I'll get you the info to order it.

My Lunch: Multigreen Juice with MSM Morning Mix added in and  "Raise the Dead" juice I added some cayenne to for desert:)

Clothes for LUNCH .....  no need no food!  My dad went shopping and hand picked a whole set of clothes for me and then surprised me at lunch.  He asked that I throw away the pair of pants I was wearing to our fam dinner fri night haha.  I came straight from the ocean and teaching and sitting on the floor with a puppy after class barefooted in my dirty hippy pants and he thought they were stained and had holes:)  

I'm like a real life yoga instructor haha yayayyy! As I have been going through my old clothes and getting rid of stuff, my mom got me new stuff and now my dad.  Yet another reminder as we let go we make space for what we really want and it comes to us as we need it.

Exchanged some of the black stuff he got for some colors:)  I have the best "uniforms" for my "job" ever!  Now  I feel like a reallife yoga instructor yeaaaa! Plus a little sideviewage for you as I continue to sculpt and peel layers

OH yes it will be a magically shitty night!  Smooth move and yes of course they have and I got chocolate flavor.  They have this tea at sprouts and other places as well.  The active laxative ingredient is Senna, if you need help moving things around try this and a couple twists and you'll be cleaned right out.

Love4all  See you Manana!