Sunday, December 30, 2012

Babysteps to Hugeleaps to Giganticsmiles

From Heroin&256lbs to Costa Rica to Light Body to CacaoBloom Bliss
Be Here NOW loose some of your excess along the way

Hi lovers it's me again! Getting ready to launch a challenge for all for 2013. In the spirit of beginning and maintaining a habit of health this year I am inviting you to begin the first month of of 2013 vegan style.  Along with vegan diet a yoga posture a day I believe is also called for.  You know me, or if you don't think you do then welcome to my life if you read previous posts you will learn about how I've truly learned the lesson my dad always tried to tell me of  "it's not what's happens to you but how you react to it" .  Sometimes we have what others might call trauma, maybe even evil happen in our life, and I am here still in this beautiful life thru God's Love to tell you, I call it all experience no matter if we believe it to be "good or bad" at the time, it's meant for you because you helped created it to either understand yourself better or serve others with a higher consciousness.  These are my beliefs which I push upon no one but rather share through all that I do with those who want to listen, read or are attracted to me and my life for some "coincidental reason"(I don't believe in those coincident things either tho:)  to quote one of my teachers, "the one thing I do know is that I know nothing".  So share in my pictures, in yoga, in chocolate and in life.  Starting on the First of January will be the opportunity for you to follow, interact and learn to balance healthy lifestyle choices through this blog and through signing up for my email list ( You can participate as much or as little as need be for you, just like everything else in your life:). Tomorrow I will update you with what's been going on since I last blogged and then on the first our challenge will begin! 

Two more things I'd like to share before I sign off today, first is that Cacao Bloom (raw dairy-free fudge) which I have been working on for the last year is available to order through email( and paypal! 

 It will SOON be available for pick-up at local studios and a couple conscious restaurants (like Veg-N-Out in North Park for example I work there Sun and Mon eves which we'll talk more about through the vegan challenge!). A little teaser of some Veg-N-Out food, the new vegan gluten free Mexican menu:
Pictured here are the vegan loaded potato wedges and vegan "chkn " burrito!

For the Cacao Bloom, you can get the OG-original or add superfoods/herbs (cayenne, cinnamon, maca, mesquite, coconut etc) if you email me we will send you an orderlist. Also stay tuned for the benefits of CACAO and the next Chocolate Party which I believe will be in the beginning of February in Encinitas at Yoga Tropics.  We did one down south at CVYC ( and it was a huge success.  Also if ever you want to make the party a Chocolate party, let me know, I can demo for you & your friends! 
Chocolate PARTY at CVYC

 The second thing is the Yogi Sisterhood!  The Yogi Sisterhood is a group for 12-17yr old girls that was started with the following five intentions in mind: Desire to be Happy, Learning to Love Ourselves, Community Gratitude/Service/Outreach, Inspirational Readings & Research, and Understanding & Using Creativity!  The Y'S is donation based if you or someone you know needs a safe space to express and meet new friends contact me once again through email (  It's late notice but we are meeting today from 2-3pm at Chula Vista Yoga Center feel free to stop in for the last session of the year while we make plans for how we can help change the world in 2013!
So it Began this was the first meeting!

Some of the Yogi Sisterhood and Big Sisters cleaning up the Sweetwater  Marsh

Ok loves that's enough words for today! Enjoy! See you manana! Love4all