Friday, July 19, 2013

Chocolate Lover

Hi Friends,

If you don't know by now, I am a huge fan of chocolate.  And not just any ol' regular give me a break or a piece of that kitkat bar chocolate.  I am a true fan and inspired lover of genuine Cacao.  Cacao is where all chocolate comes from, and in it's raw natural state has a multitude of benefits that the processed chocolates we are used to no longer contain.  David Wolfe says, "Wheatgrass can reach millions of people, but if you want to reach billions of people get on board with [Cacao]" watch this video for more from David:

opened cacao pod

cacao pod growin on le tree in tha jungle

unpeeled cacao beans(great to carry with ya for extra energy pop a few in your mouth instead of coffee, if you don't peel it first make sure you chew it well, we are able to digest the peel however is nicer on your digestive system if you undress the bean first)

where in the world chocolate comes from, my favorites so far are from Costa Rica, Ecuador and Bali

Magic of Chocolate

all kinds of cacao beans

lose weight with's possible I promise!

When I got back from Costa Rica in 2011, I was blown away when my teacher, Kristyan ( brought me back chocolate that only had 5 ingredients and tasted better than any chocolate I had known.  Keep in mind through my childhood and entire life, I did not ever choose or appreciate what I would have then called "dark chocolate". (now I understand this to be 'REAL CHOCOLATE'.  The chocolate he brought me saved me from the worst moon cycle I had experienced as a woman, so I really became a believer and started researching the medicinal benefits and lessons of Cacao.  Then this same friend made me chocolate for Valentines day when I had thought about doing the same for him, was when we started toying with the idea that we could make Real Chocolate ourselves, that induced a new type of natural high better than any drug, caffeine or even YOGA! Yea I said it. :) The chocolate Kristyan was making and continued surprising me with was becoming the highlight of my universe, and I came to realize the specialty wasn't necessarily only in  the magic ingredients but the intention of the alchemist that was constructing these chocolatey filled glass jars of glory.

That's when I got in the game too. Since Valentine's Day of 2012, I have been practicing creating a raw vegan chocolate fudge that would become to be described by this same beautiful friend whom inspired me in the first place, as "a chocolate bomb to cure all the sadness in the world".  So in making Cacao Bloom, I have intended to make the best tasting chocolate with pure organic ingredients and even deeper intentions mirroring who is going to be receiving the chocolate when possible:)

So if you are in SD, and are interested in trying the best chocolate you have ever tasted here are the options from me:

5 Flavors of Chocolate Love:

Cacao Bloom OG(original and organic):
Cacao powder, Blessed Water, Coconut Oil, Raw Honey, Lucuma, Vanilla, Sea Salt

Cacao Bloom ESPICY:
OG ingredients, plus Cayenne Pepper

OG ingredients, plus Sprouted Almonds and dehydrated Coconut Shreds

OG ingredients, plus Holy Basil, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Goji Powder

Cacao Bloom SUPERMAN:
OG ingredients, plus Hemp Hearts, Coco shreds, Cayenne, Maca Powder, Mesquite Powder

Pricing for OG: Sm(4oz) $8; Md(8oz) $15, Lg(16oz) $28 for the flavors: Sm $11, Md $19, Lg $33, if you return CB(cacao bloom) glass jars to me you get a dollar off per jar on your next order! Also if you would rather me write a recipe specific to you and any of your ailments will be the OG pricing plus $7

As I began my chocolatiering I found through other friends and resources that Chocolate was originally used as a carrier for superfoods. Cacao and Cayenne were one of the first combinations recorded, if you still don't know the benefits of Cayenne Pepper, CLICK HERE:

As I continued checking into this I saw the opportunity to help people learn about Chocolate as the Carrier of Superfoods/herbs and the Body as the Carrier of Spirit.  By making chocolate for people and through Yoga, I am able to share what I believe to be my reason for being here. I also love doing workshops and chocolate parties! If you would like to order or set up an event email me at, website is coming soon, but check us on facebook:


Friday, July 12, 2013


July 12, 2013

Making Almond Milk:

Soak 1 cup of Almonds for up to 8hours.Rinse.
1 Tb of honey(may want more based on your taste)
2pinches of Himalayan Salt
1 Tsp of Organic Vanilla
5 cups of Spring Water

Blend until white and liquid....In order to get a smoother final "milk" grab a nut bag strainer (I have found them at People's in OB).  Strain what you blended and enjoy the best almond milk you've ever had.  Again feel free to play with it, get the amounts to your liking make it your favorite, i also love to add some cinnamon and at times cardamom! Go crazy, or keep it simple, I keep some in my fridge so I don't have to buy it all the time. Also, keep the thicker part of what you strained if you did, you will be able to use it in the next recipe!

Raw Peach Almond Ice "Cream"

Chop up Raw peaches and freeze

Once frozen use about 2 cups of peaches
1 cup of almond extra (from above recipe or replace with almond butter)
1Tb of Coconut Oil(If using almond butter, you won't need oil, just a little extra almond butter)
1 Banana
1Tb of Raw Honey
Coconut Shreds on top if desired:)
Blend all ingredients, add almond milk as needed for desired consistency

Enjoy the recipes,
Been awhile since I've seen you all:) exciting things are stirring up.  Feel free to shoot me an email so you don't miss out:
Lookfoward to hearing from you and any feed back from recipes or additions please share!

Much Love


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Made it thru Monday Beam


We made it through the first Monday of the Year! Hopefully you were able to strive through and not feel dragged through.  There is a ton going on moment to moment, which is all we have so here are the highlights from the last few days!  Stay tuned for recipes coming this week and more postures of the day!  Toward the end of this post check out the Yogi Sisterhood demonstrating all 7 Postures of the Day so far, and we now have a Facebook page for them, support us with a little likeage:)

King Pigeon...this is the first yoga picture I ever took....the first "cool" posture I didn't even know I could do till my guru  saw it in me and came over to me and showed me the foot hold...then magically it happened and has been getting better and better ever since.  Pigeon is the posture for Day 3....Continue to the last pictures for all the days in a row being demonstrated by the Yogi Sisterhood

This is in Georgia in 2011 on Stone Mountain. Fancy Pose and Fancy Scenery:)

Add caption

Party for my Papa's bday(the dad of my lil bros  and my stepdad since I was two:)  My mom made about a thousand amazing enchiladas, beans, rice, salsa, carrot cake, the whole shabannnng.  I literally meditated on the way over and asked God to help me only eat what I needed...I ended up with an amazing salad, vegan beans and rice and frutas!

The Lil Bros PingPonging it up

playing with my heart

In case you didn't know:) Whole Foods Salad bar(which is friggin legit) is $3 cheaper on Wednesdays!

Bobbi!!!!!!! The ol' girl gotta sell her....if anyone is looking for a 2001 Fordwindstar named Bobbi with a VCR lemme kno!

Garden investinggggg

Tree Pose with half Lotus and Reverse Prayer variations day 4.  Quote of the day during yoga class while in this posture, "If you fell out maybe on this side focus more, if you didn't fall out, maybe on this side go deeper and don't worry about falling" -K.S. (may not be verbatum as I was mainly focused on not passing out:) Yoga Tropics Vinyasa Fridayze!

Tried this one cause I never had before...needs work

One of my best friends got a lil Animal Medicine while we were hanging out

I don't know if you but I make chocolate:) however this is one of the very best chocolates you can buy.  This was from  Whole Foods in Encinitas, not sure if they have them down south here or not, but if ever you see them grab em!

Supported Crescent for Day 5

Still Crescenting

Twist it out between your bends or forward folding is fantastic release as well if appropriate

and then one more

Superfood Green Smoothie see in two more pictures the ingredients!

Vinny(the vita-mix) starting to combine the forces

Ingredients: Grapes, Orange, Spinach, Cacao, Hemp hearts, Cayenne, Sea Salt, Coco Oil, Maca Powder, Lucuma Powder, Flax Seeds, Chia Seeds, Goji Berries

OB with some of the Beam team

Day 6 Cobbler's Pose

Soul to Soul

When Moving forward, Heart First instead of Head First
Superfood Smoothie at Veg N Out: Acai, Banana, Strawberry, Mango, Pineapple, Coconut, Flax, Hemp, Chia...BOMB

Some of the Beam team came to sit at the "bar" with me....Veg N Out in North Park check it out, burgers are incredible tons of vegan options all vegetarian! I work there on Sunday and Monday Evenings

my dindin: cucumber mango salad with sprouts, tomato, avocado, sriracha, cayenne, jalepenos, sea salt

Sometimes you just gotta get pretty pink stuff to  make cleansing yourself more fun!  Dr. Bronners if your not on it get it, dry brushing your skin before you shower...research it and practice your skin will thank you, Exfoliating gloves, foot power, tweezers of course and Coco oil for everything.

Day 7! Plow Pose!
Day 6! Cobbler's Pose!
 so as you can see you can lay in it, sit in it, or go up against the way and go for it, also you could put pillows under knees to help for tighter hipsters.
Day 5! Supported Crescent Pose!

Day 4! Tree Pose!
If beginner start with the soul of your foot against the calf of your standing leg, then for more advanced go higher with the foot, and different arm variations

Day 3! Pigeon Pose!
This one also has many variations, on your back (reclining pigeon),  surrendered to the mat, sitting up working deeper variations like Mermaid, and King Pigeon

Day 2!  Bow Pulling Pose

Day 1!  Lotus Pose (here with the twist)

First Yogi Sisterhood Chocolate Party!  More details, pictures and recipes to come!

Veg N Out's Chili...dude seriously I know I work there, but I started working there because I loved it so much, and I promise I get know other benefit from telling you this besides knowing I shared....Best vegan Chili I believe I have ever had, in this picture you can see the Daiya Cheese, onions, fresh homemade pico de gallo and avocado added.  You really gotta try some!

Me and me Big Bro, he made some coffee that was ready just in time for me to get home! Superb  Duder. Great work.

Everyday is still getting better and better!  Can't wait to see you soon, feel free to comment on here, or email me,  Also if you're wanting to order some Chocolate, I will be making a batch on Wednesday so email me so I can send you an order form!  Much Love always talk to you soon!  LOVE4ALL