Today is day 10 for me on liquids, and I enjoyed juice epicly today. This am I had a green juice brought to me with orange, spinach, pineapple, celery & parsley. A little later, from 'Frutas' I had a wheat grass shot and a "Raise the Dead" juice that has beets, carrots, celery, orange & pineapple. And then this evening I had ginger, beet, carrot, orange, parsley, celery. Also throughout the day I had coconut water. And I also have been using Raspberry Leaf tea to help with any stomach cramping or uneasiness per one of my friend's recommendations and it is amazing. I used it instead of the senna tea, and also if you're into enemas, it does wonders going through you that way as well. If you are interested in enemas please check it out before you do, it's a lot of research to make sure you don't dehydrate yourself or anything else equally harsh to your system. I have been doing them for over a year now since I did a Nutrition Workshop at CVYC. So here was today in picture form:
Went to weekly luncheon with the fajer today at Frutas after I got to teach to morning classes. These 2 little dudes desperately wanted to get on my dad's bike to take a picture, the boy was signing to my dad for awhile. Met them and their whole family, I got to brush up on my sign language with their mom who communicated to me that it was her friend(who didn't speak English) first time here in Cali. She had to write down what she was expressing at one point because I couldn't remember everything....it's amazing how many different ways we communicated in this short interaction, yet the smiles on those boys faces ultimately said it all. |
And then it was ocean goodness time. Paddled out...didn't stand up today but definitely got to know the ocean better and had a blast soaking it up and gaining trust with my board. |
my friend had to take her out for a spin as well. I love boys they always want to play with anything that's around, so entertaining and pure |
me and Slinkers...these are my shoes i had available in my van to put on for Sprouts so I wouldn't get kicked out again...please go there as often as possible barefoot for fun thank you. |
They sell whole boxes of COCOs at Sprouts, you get 10% off if you buy a case...it's still way more expensive then if you travel a little north to get some...at least you know about the case discount tho! |
Made some "rawco" meat for my baby bro...it's between bellpeppers, tomatos and seaweed on top of a fire roasted tortilla...yes we are crazycool when it comes to inventing new recipes with what we have in stock... |
Made first batch of Chocolate for someone since I have started juicing....wowwwwww I forgot how amazing it smellllls. Jaso tastetested for me and said it's super legit I added Hemp heart seeds into it for the first time... |
and then it was project time...me, Spencer and Slinky |
Repairing some boardshorts for the boys |
Naughty Knottttty Dred |
Awwww Snook!
Check out about tomorrow night! the first of 2 full moons this month: |
August 2012 will feature not 1 but 2 full moons.
"The full moon occurs once every 29.5 days. This essentially means that there is one full moon every month. However, as we know, every month but February has at least 30 days in it, which presents the potential for two full moons in a month. August 2012 - is one of these unique months, which will have two full moons. There will be a full moon on August 2nd, and then another full moon on August 31st."
Love4all. See you Manana
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