Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Breakfast with Krishna, Dinner with Jesus: Phytoplankton, Sunscreen/Cacao Butter, JUST sit and I no10 ways to help eliminate refined sugar from your life

Day 2 of the MaSTAR Cleanse

I would tell you all the little details about day one but I don't want to ruin the surprises for you for when you start:)!  Just kidding,  I will tell you that the Salt water flush works, I almost forgot how well...I did mine super early because of my schedule I like the early morning time to cleanse so I took it at about 3am and went back to my meditation/writing.  I slept a lot the first day, experienced headache pain.  Other then that it wasn't as rough as the first or second time I did the original Master Cleanse.  I am sharing this cleanse with you because I feel it's necessary to remember we can change at any point.  If there is something in your life/body/mind/heart that you need to change or let go of it is possible.  I feel I am at the point where I know my body pretty well now, and I need this time and space to clean myself and my surroundings, also I am ready to let go of things in ways I never was before to make my dreams come true, so we're here:)  The other thing I wanted to mention also is there are many things I have read and heard about many different ways to cleanse.  The master cleanse is not the healthiest in my opinion, but if you research a couple modifications that are right for you, it is absolutely possible to commit to liquids for a period of 10days as suggested in the original. I am still working and sharing energy with other people while I do this so it is different from a true fast.  As I said yesterday, do your research, especially on your intention.  Okay here are some pictures from today, I know that's what you're here for anyway:) Love4all.

Coconut water and Phytoplankton breakfast.  If you don't have a real coconut, make sure you check the ingredients that they didn't add sugar or something else in it that is useless to your body.  Also be mindful of the container the coconut water sits in, imagine what will seep into the liquid as it was waiting to get to you.  If you don't know about phytos, ask your kid that's in Bio class to give you a breakdown or check it out below!

Phytoplankton! This is gold to your system.  When it was first given to me and I was taking a lot of it, I felt needing less sleep, having more energy, less cravings and clearer actions.  This as it says is from www.ascendedhealth.com and it's definitely something to look into taking in as a drink, sprinkling on salads, and even rubbing on your gums and teeth with coconut oil to sooth and rebuild them. It's magic. 

Zucchini and squash from my aunts garden! plus peaches from team Edwards tree on some lovely made bamboo case MA got me.  I will be making a dish tonight or tomorrow for the boys so the fresh veggies don't go bad and I'll post the recipe for you.  I love my family and friends thank you!

Cacao Butter de Bali works great if you use on your skin for  moisturizer or sunscreen.(it is not going to protect you from getting burnt if you haven't been in the sun for 5 years and go out there for 3 hours...so be aware of what stage you are at with your skin...the best protection starts from with in of course and what do you know is top notch antioxidant.... Cacao is one of the best   Check out this  http://products.mercola.com/summer-survival-kit/   to find out how much sun you really need, Dr. Mercola even speaks on what sunglasses are really blocking.  And look into overexposure of sun vs lack of Vitamin D   Plus how the sunscreen we put on our skin gets left in the ocean and killing the coral reef:  http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/01/080129-sunscreen-coral.html  just a little linkage for you.

I love all the responses from everybody....this I believe was my favorite today. Best email of the day award....and that's saying a lot cause I get sent some good emails! This completely brightened my day and I am so stoked on my loved ones and everybody I get to come in contact with.  Please please continue to share with me and those around you.  At least five different people in person came up to me to share ways they choice healthier options in their life today, not to mention all the online love...as my medicine woman and great friend wrote me the other day, "We be recycling on the inspiration".  You know how to contact me, also feel free to comment on here and share with others maybe one change you made today...You don't have to do 27 days or anything else I am doing, just choose what is best for you in every moment and know that you are worth even more than you think is best!

More Liquid Gold Presents. This would be the burdock root tincture my friend made me I told you guys about.  Its effects on me are calming and allow me to be more clear which is especially useful when not "eating",  What I really want to say here besides this incredible gift is sit on the floor.  Whatever you do, whatever you would like to chcange...start by sitting on the floor, even if it's five minutes, even if you have to have your legs straight out at first.  We spend too much of our lives in chairs, beds, cars etc and all it takes sometimes is to get grounded.  It will increase your flexibility, help you feel and look younger, and before you know it you will start to feel lighter and fearless like when you were younger.  Best health insurance ever....sit on the floor, oh and if you need pillows to start with try under your bottom and under your knees, bottoms of the feet together.

I notice a difference in my skin in about one day when I add green juice in or take it out.  The average age people guess me at is about 21, almost 7 years younger than I am.  "You are what you EAT".  This one is from Frutas, the multigreen juice, it has spinach, celery, cucumber, parsley, pineapple, orange, and grapefruit

Dinner with Jesus.  He loves the greens and fully has my back obviously. Get your greens on!   More recipes to come for you guys soon!  I might have to make it past the 3 day mark in order to give out the best ones:)  Once I get to day 4 it always gets easier, all the energy that my body normally uses for digesting gets to play with the dreams I want to come true instead, so I can surrender and refocus.

10 Simple tips for kicking Sugar Cravings
1.  Avoid Processed Junk Food
2.  Boost your Serotonin
3.  Satisfy your sweet tooth with all Natural Stevia
4.  Drink plenty of WATER
5.  Keep your blood sugar stable
6   Have plenty of Greens
7.  Eat more Sea Veggies
8.  Eat and Drink more fermented food and drinks
9.  Learn Meditation and Stress reduction techniques
10.  Try EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Check out: http://www.hungryforchange.tv/sugar-is-a-drug where those ten came from with more details on each one & how to incorporate them and also has a video which is pretty epic because the dude in it even goes to schools to show kids vegetables and ask if they know what they are and it's rather heartbreaking, however definitely worth while and inspiring to better educate those around us especially our children.

 See you manana!

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