It's been 7 full days, so today is day 8 as a "liquadarian", as my friend calls me, or as I tell people, "no thank you I'm not really into chewing today. It's funny when you go a week without having to chew anything, there was a chunk of celery in one of my juices and I chewed it and it was a whole new revelation for me, that my whole life I've gotten used to chewing, yet in one week, I didn't have to chew at all. We really can retrain ourselves however we need to in order to achieve what we desire. I've lost 11lbs so far, which as I've said I go up and down pretty easily, so now it's putting in the work to have it come off in a manner that I won't ever need to turn to it again.
This was my Saturday:
my baby bro just painted an old shirt I was going to get rid of into my new favorite shirt. |
Jaimy & Victor's studio: IB Yoga is on the map...all you gotta do is type that in to google and it'll direct you there. I stopped by the grand-opening they had this Saturday. |
Mike's stealth mode look...Yerba Mate sparkling tea from IB yoga. I brought these over to my lil bro's bday party , they're pretty delicious! |
The Mijo's Birthday Party! My lil bro one of the smartest guys I know...love you dude! |
There was a ton of food at the party...and sometimes it's hard not to eat everything I want...and then I remember what my teacher Mark taught me...nothing is hard unless we make it hard. I enjoyed homemade Jamaica during the party that our grandmother, Chatita, made! I added lemon, cayenne and MSM to it:) |
finally got me own lil superheroine wetsuittttt yeaaaa! |
Goodmorning Sunshines |
Phytoplankton breakfast with Jesus today |
Coconut water...and in the other is the tea that it says it is plus MSM....the tea is actually pretty good with the MSM, it cuts some of the bitterness nicely |
walking to le farmer's market! The Sunday Hillcrest Farmer's Market is my favorite! |
ran into a few friends at the market. I wanted to get some more MSM morning mix & peace pies for my dad, and then some veggies and also some of the green smoothie fix so I didn't have to make my own greens today:)
JAHHHH! Butter lettuce, grapes and cucumbers to add to the green juiceeeee |
so, sometimes I don't make enough time to juice and clean, so I started blending the oranges every once in awhile, and today I used the green smoothie fix(1 gallon is $25 it has Kale, Chard, Collard Greens, Romaine Lettuce, Dandelion Greens, Parsley, Pure Water, Apple, Banana, and Flax seed) so 2 cups of that or another type of juice you're using, then 2 oranges(peeled), 7 strawberries, cayenne and Hemp HEARTS! |
y today:
I got to do a private yoga session with an 81 year old angel this morning. It was incredible to be at this woman's feet and see her smile brighten within an hour of breathing with God. Helping her remember everything she loved and what she has to wake up for & how to keep her thought flow positive was healing for both of us. I asked what her favorite number was, she didn't have one, so I asked when her birthday was, and with the biggest smile in all the land she told me. Since her birthday is in June we did sets of 6 so she would remember when I'm not there cause it's a special number to her. It's a good little trick if you work out on your own or even meditate or just sit, to use a number special to you...we've talked about this before...but everyone need reminders. OH and I got tipped for the private session in two gorgeous Spaghetti squash and some "lemon cucumbers" I'm super stoked on the lemon cucumbers because I didn't even know they existed! so those will be juiced tomorrow for sure!!! |
we cat napped outside and inside...I really don't know what I would do without my cat. I have been talking to one of my friends about breaking up with my pillow and mattress...in order to get grounded and sleep in the position our bodies were designed to sleep in...still haven't gone full in on that one yet...but it's coming:) |
AHHH yes this is what I wanted to leave you with....the heart of HEMP. this bag is actually bought from costco. They have them at wholefoods and I believe sprouts...they are huge online even on amazon. You can eat them like granola, sprinkle them on yogurt or with your cereal if you're into that...you can make hemp milk...I love putting them in salads. Right now as I said, I am blending them into my green drink I just started doing that on Saturday because I was feeling I needed a little more.. some of the basic benefits: "Hemp Hearts are Nature's Power Food. These are seeds with the husks removed. Two ounces of hemp seed without the shell contain 314 calories of energy from 20 grams of protein, 23 grams of unsaturated fats consisting of Omegas 3, 6 & 9, 3 grams saturated fat, 6 grams carbohydrate and 3.3 grams of fiber. There is also 2.6 mg iron, 40 mg calcium, 5 mg sodium, 5 mg vitamin E, .5 mg vitamin C and 1200 I.U. vitamin D as well as B2, B6, B1, vitamin A, potassium and phosphorous. This is a vegan source of omegas with more protein than meat or eggs. Hemp Hearts are eaten like granola and are great for a power boost or losing weight."-www.amazon.com
Enjoy! If you come up with a recipe using hemp hearts or anything else we've talked about on here please email it to me so I can include it in my next posting! LOVE4ALL see you manana!
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